hey there, i’m carolyn. you can call me caro.
i’m an twelfth-grade student residing in Vancouver, British Columbia.
i love scrolling through Pinterest, trying different types of bubble tea, and my four-year-old portuguese water dog, harley.
raised by percy jackson and storyboardthat.com, my passion for storytelling stems from the influence of fantasy worlds read by an ingenuous young girl, and has evolved into creating my own. whether it be storytelling through my words or my actions, one thing is for certain; while fictional worlds act as euphoric adventures, i am also big on shedding the limelight onto many aspects of my own story.
(so strap in…)
i am an avid partaker in the arts, from my consistent experience in the film industry to my everlasting dyad with playing piano. as an ardent snowboard enthusiast, i have been shredding the slopes since ‘13 and have been a member of the Collingwood School Alpine Team for two years and counting.
this portfolio is my love child and i thank you for allowing me to tell you all about her :0)